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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Linguistic power and code-switching in the foreign language classroom
How "guessing meaning from context" and "making inferences" can be taught through literature teaching
Early English education in an immersion program: Perceptions of English kindergarten teachers and parents
The role of L2 communication anxiety in tendencies in self-perceptions of L2 competence in the Korean and Japanese contexts
Computer learner corpora and their pedagogical applications
Pedagogic relations of achievement goal model and critical literacy development in Korea’s EFL contexts
A survey of primary English digital textbooks 초등 디지털영어교과서 활용 실태 조사
A study of an investigation about recruiting, management and evaluation system of English native speaker teachers and their Levels of job satisfaction from After-school Programs 영어 원어민 강사 운영 실태 및 직무 만족도 연구: 방과후학교 프로그램을 중심으로
The assessment of primary English learners' qualitative vocabulary knowledge by word-association test 초등영어 학습자의 질적 어휘지식의 평가: 단어연상시험을 사용하여
Edge tones and native speakers' perception 한국인 학습자의 영어 가장자리 성조 발화와 영어원어민의 지각실험
Teaching reading and writing English alphabets using stories 스토리를 활용한 영어 알파벳 읽기,쓰기지도법 개발
Korean speakers' phrasing patterns in English clauses 영어의 절 발화에 나타난 한국인 화자의 경계실현 양상