Linguistic power and code-switching in the foreign language classroom
Jai Hyoung Cho, Ock Hwan Kim
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 1-19
How "guessing meaning from context" and "making inferences" can be taught through literature teaching
David B. Kim
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 20-33
Early English education in an immersion program: Perceptions of English kindergarten teachers and parents
Nam Hee Kim, Hyun Jeong Kim
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 34-62
The role of L2 communication anxiety in tendencies in self-perceptions of L2 competence in the Korean and Japanese contexts
Hyun Jin Kim, Nami Iwaki
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 63-82
Computer learner corpora and their pedagogical applications
Dong Ju Lee
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 83-101
Pedagogic relations of achievement goal model and critical literacy development in Korea’s EFL contexts
Jong Hee Lee
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 102-122
A survey of primary English digital textbooks 초등 디지털영어교과서 활용 실태 조사
박현아 Hyun Ah Park
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 123-151
A study of an investigation about recruiting, management and evaluation system of English native speaker teachers and their Levels of job satisfaction from After-school Programs 영어 원어민 강사 운영 실태 및 직무 만족도 연구: 방과후학교 프로그램을 중심으로
윤유진 Eu Gene Yoon
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 152-188
The assessment of primary English learners' qualitative vocabulary knowledge by word-association test 초등영어 학습자의 질적 어휘지식의 평가: 단어연상시험을 사용하여
이진경 Jin Kyong Lee
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 189-214
Edge tones and native speakers' perception 한국인 학습자의 영어 가장자리 성조 발화와 영어원어민의 지각실험
이주경 Joo Kyeong Lee, 이혜원 Hye Won Lee
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 215-231
Teaching reading and writing English alphabets using stories 스토리를 활용한 영어 알파벳 읽기,쓰기지도법 개발
정영숙 Yung Suk Jung
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 232-256
Korean speakers' phrasing patterns in English clauses 영어의 절 발화에 나타난 한국인 화자의 경계실현 양상
한혜승 Hye Seung Han, 이주경 Joo Kyeong Lee
Modern English Education vol.9, page: 257-277