Journal Information

Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141

Revenue Sources

MEESO provides financial support to Modern English Education through various sources of income, including MEESO endowments, membership fees, corporate and private donations, and commercial revenue. These sources enable MEESO to maintain and improve the quality of the journal, as well as support its mission of promoting scholarly research in the field of English education. Additionally, MEESO may also generate revenue through other means.

Direct Marketing

The journal employs direct marketing strategies, which include utilizing its website and distributing pamphlets to provide information about the journal. Additionally, the journal invites potential manuscript submissions from presenters at conferences, seminars, and workshops whose research topics align with the journal's scope and objectives. By leveraging these strategies, the journal aims to raise awareness of its existence and attract high-quality submissions from scholars and researchers who are working on topics relevant to the journal's focus.