Latest Volume

Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141

A Study on the effectiveness of an ESP course for airline cabin services with aid of ChatGPT
Why do Korean people prefer white English teachers? Examining racial bias of Korean parents’ perceptions on ideal English teachers
Understanding L2 learners’ use of English prepositions through the perspective of markedness
Effects of explicit and implicit instruction on L2 learners’ online processing of voice in English transitive verb construction: an eye-tracking study
How machine translation systems handle relative clause attachment: A comparative analysis
Analyzing user perceptions and improvement demands for the EBSe Textbook English Program EBSe 교과서 영어 프로그램의 현황 및 사용자 의견 분석
An analysis of nursing students’ EMP needs
Generative AI in career English integrated education for K-12 teacher training: Insights from university student feedback 초·중등 교사교육을 위한 생성형 인공지능 적용 진로영어 연계교육: 대학생 피드백을 통한 통찰
An investigation of machine translator use: A case study with two Korean EFL students at different English proficiency levels 기계번역기 사용방법에 대한 탐구: 영어 능숙도가 다른 두 한국인 학습자를 통한 사례연구
Development of a listening instruction model integrated with language skills 듣기 중심 기능 통합 영어 교수학습 모형 개발