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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Korean EFL learners' use of dictionaries: Their beliefs, lookup strategies, and actual use
Teaching in chunks: Facilitating English proficiency
Effects of the integrated-skills approach on elementary school students' writing performance
A computer-aided error analysis (CEA) of a Korean learner corpus
The interjections oh and wow in listening scripts of middle school English textbooks
A case study of five Korean university students' English language anxiety in English classroom
Orienting native English teachers to Korean students: From sociocultural perspectives
From the other side of the desk: Sixth graders' views on portfolio assessment
A dialogue journal study with Korean college freshmen
A study of inference skills instruction effects on L2 reading achievement of Korean Scholastic Aptitude Test (KSAT) 추론 기능 지도가 수능 외국어 영역 읽기 성취도에 미치는 영향
Design of project activities in elementary English classes and its application 초등 영어 수업에서 프로젝트 활동 구성과 적용
A study of teaching primary English to differentiated learning groups 초등영어 수준별 수업 실험연구
An intonational assessment of English communicative competence of Korean college students with the 7th curriculum 7차 교육과정을 수료한 대학생들의 영어 억양패턴에 나타난 의사소통 능력 평가
The effect of UCC task activities on college students' English learning UCC 과제가 대학생의 영어 학습에 미치는 효과
Predicting the variables for difficulty of English reading proficiency test items for middle school students 중등영어 읽기능력 평가문항 난이도 예측 변인 연구