A Pragmatic Analysis of Cross-cultural Prospective and the Implications for Korean EFL Class
Dae Kweon Bae
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 3-18
Pedagogical uses of the TAM system in English
Doo Shick Kim
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 19-38
A study of listening strategies favored by Korean university students
Jae Guk Cha
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 39-56
A survey on mobile-assisted language learning 모바일 기반 언어학습에 관한 고찰
김지영 Jie Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 57-69
A Sociolinguistical Meaning and Elliptical Structure in the Newspaper Headlines 신문 표제어의 삭제구조 및 사회언어학적 의미
김한규 Han Kyu Kim, 서성북 Sung Buk Suh
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 70-95
A "partner" as the role of teacher in the composition classes: based on teacher-student conference 영어작문 교육에서 공동협력자로사의 교사의 역할: 교사-학생 면담을 중심으로
김형엽 Hyoung Youb Kim
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 96-129
A Case Study of General English Course Evaluation Based on Leamer's Needs Analysis 대학 교양영어 과목 개선을 위한 학습자 요구 분석
임정완 Jeong Wan Lim
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 130-149
The practice and effect on English Immersion Program for university students in terms of boarding house English Language Learning program focusing on Dual Degree Program 대학생을 위한 합숙형 영어몰입프로그램의 실제와 효과 -미국 복수학위 프로그램을 중심으로-
장형지 Hyung Ji Chang
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 150-168
Learners' Attention and learning effects in FonF Studies FonF 연구에 나타난 학습자 주의집중과 학습효과
황선유 Seon Yoo Hwang
Modern English Education vol.7, page: 169-182