Teaching English Listening in College
In Sun Kang
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 3-28
Is EFL Learning Really Served by the Idea of Using English as the Only Language of Communication in Classrooms?
Chin Hyon Kim
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 29-41
Bring the Internet to EFL classrooms
Jie Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 42-64
The Names of Korean Family Members
김정희 Jong Hee Kim
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 65-72
Second Language Learning and Pragmatics: Is Grammar a Requisite for Pragmatic Competence?
Yun Kyoung Cho
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 73-87
Preference Analysis of Elementary English Theme-based and Content-based Textbooks 초등학생의 영어교재 선호도 분석: 내용중심과 주제중심교재를 중심으로
노석희 Suk Hee Noh
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 88-101
Examination on the studies of English and Korean stress 영어 강세 및 우리말 강세 연구에 대한 고찰
박순복 Soon Boak Park
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 102-119
Societies in Mansfield Park 『맨스필드 파크』의 사회상
송관용 Kwan Yong Song
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 120-144
Teaching Pronunciation about Phonological Phenomena of Postlexical Module 영어의 후어휘부에서 나타나는 음운현상과 발음지도
이현구 Hyun Gu Lee
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 145-166
The Mispronunciation of English Sounds by Korean and Japanese Speakers of English 한국인과 일본인 영어화자의 영어오류 발음
이해봉 Hae Bong Lee
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 167-183
Using students' question notes as a means of communication between a teacher and students 교사와 학습자의 의사소통 수단으로서의 질문노트 활용
최경희 Kyung Hee Choi
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 184-205
Developing an Immersion Program in the Korean EFL Context
David Deveau, Young Joo Bang
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 206-235
논문게재 규정
Modern English Education vol.5, page: 236-241