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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Teaching English Listening in College
Is EFL Learning Really Served by the Idea of Using English as the Only Language of Communication in Classrooms?
Bring the Internet to EFL classrooms
The Names of Korean Family Members
Second Language Learning and Pragmatics: Is Grammar a Requisite for Pragmatic Competence?
Preference Analysis of Elementary English Theme-based and Content-based Textbooks 초등학생의 영어교재 선호도 분석: 내용중심과 주제중심교재를 중심으로
Examination on the studies of English and Korean stress 영어 강세 및 우리말 강세 연구에 대한 고찰
Societies in Mansfield Park 『맨스필드 파크』의 사회상
Teaching Pronunciation about Phonological Phenomena of Postlexical Module 영어의 후어휘부에서 나타나는 음운현상과 발음지도
The Mispronunciation of English Sounds by Korean and Japanese Speakers of English 한국인과 일본인 영어화자의 영어오류 발음
Using students' question notes as a means of communication between a teacher and students 교사와 학습자의 의사소통 수단으로서의 질문노트 활용
Developing an Immersion Program in the Korean EFL Context
논문게재 규정