Vocabulary acquisition through extensive reading in EFL class
신규철 Kyu Cheol Shin
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 3-16
Lexically Marked and Unmarked Vocoids for Syllabicity in Korean
Yung Do Yun
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 17-36
Consonant/Vowel Epenthesis in English-A Functional Account
조형묵 Hyung Mook Cho
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 37-60
The Study of Conference English Presentation Strategies Conference English Presentation 기법 연구
김정희 Jong Hee Kim
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 61-78
A study of current English textbooks based on cultural contents analysis 현행 영어교과서 문화내용 분석에 따른 문제점 재고
남은희 Eun Hee Nam
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 79-91
Looking on the Bright sides of Using Context in Second Language Reading 학습자의 문맥 사용 능력
박경미 Kyeong Mi Park
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 92-104
Suggestions for Preschool English Education 유아 영어 교육에 관한 제언
이윤숙 Yoon Sook Lee
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 105-147
A Model for Teaching English Pronunciation based on Zoom Lens Principle 줌 렌즈 원리에 의한 영어 발음 지도모형
이현구 Hyun Gu Lee
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 148-167
An Evaluation of Discourse Competence of Korean EFL students Using Discourse Completion Tasks 담화완성과업(Discourse Completion Task)을 활용한 한국 영어학습자들의 담화능력 측정
장복명 Bok Myung Chang
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 168-184
The Functions of Affixes in Word Formations 어형성에 있어서의 접사의 기능: 아동의 언어습득 측면에서
오관영 Kwan Young Oh
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 185-204
Jane Austen's moderate expression Jane Austen의 절제적 표현
송관용 Kwan Yong Song
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 205-220
논문게재 규정
Modern English Education vol.4, page: 221-226