Efficient Listening Teaching Strategies through the Analysis of English Listening Errors
Won Bo Kim
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 3-22
Integrating Whole Language and Phonics
Jie Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 23-36
What else? Korean Students Interaction with English-speaking People
Ji Won Paek
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 37-67
Tranfer Errors in English Pronunciation by Korean speakers
이해봉 Hae Bong Lee
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 68-82
A Study on the Method of English Education by Reconstruction of Plot 플롯 재구성을 활용한 영어교육 방안
공명수 Myung Su Kong
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 83-98
The Basic Theory of Interpretation and Translation Studies 통,번역학 개론
박영순 Young Soon Park
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 99-134
What Authentic English Tests should contain to improve the efficiency of English Education 영어교육의 효율성 향상을 위한 실제 영어시험의 구성방향
변길자 Gil Ja Byun
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 135-147
국내 사이버 대학 운영 현황 및 발전 방향
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 148-165
Modern English Education vol.3, page: 166-172