The effect of L1-L2 lexico-semantic differences on Korean EFL learners’ preposition use
Hye-ryeong Hahn, Seungjin Hong
Modern English Education vol.25, page: 1-16
Exploring the nature and effectiveness of peer observation through the perceptions of preservice elementary teachers: Focusing on English microteaching 동료 관찰의 성격 및 효과에 대한 초등 예비 교사의 인식 연구: 영어 수업 실연을 중심으로
Beyond regulatory fit: The fit condition and learner experience of flow in L2 learning
Motivation for L2 reading and its relationship with reading amount in a Korean EFL university setting
Foreign language anxiety: exploring the perspectives and practices of instructors of English as a foreign language
Analysis of relative clauses in English-to-Korean machine translation systems’ output
A corpus-based analysis of take-noun collocations in essays by Korean university EFL students
Jung-yeo Chung, Eun-joo Lee
Modern English Education vol.25, page: 85-99
A comparative analysis of syntactic complexity in 5th and 6th grade English textbooks 초등학교 5 · 6학년 영어 교과서의 통사적 복잡성 비교 분석
황은경 Eunkyung Hwang, 박광현 Kwanghyun Park
Modern English Education vol.25, page: 100-114
A study on the development of English learning through synchronous digital discourse with an A.I. Chatbot: A case study of a Korean EFL learner A.I. Chatbot과의 실시간 문자기반 대화를 통한 영어학습: 한국인 영어학습자 사례연구
A study on English word’s final alveolar fricatives and vowel durations in American English 영어 어말 치경마찰음과 선행모음길이에 관한 연구: 미국 영어를 중심으로
Analyzing sentiment and syntactic complexity in L2 writing: A computational approach
Changes in English proficiency and language learning beliefs among learners in short-term EFL and ESL programs 국내외 단기 영어 연수자의 영어 능숙도와 언어학습 신념 변화
윤정용 Jeongyong Yoon, 맹은경 Unkyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.25, page: 155-176
Involvement load hypothesis and vocabulary learning: Analysis of search and evaluation patterns through a think-aloud method 관여도 가설과 어휘학습: 사고구술기법을 통한 탐색과 평가의 양상 고찰
Pragmatic influence in processing L2 English reflexive pronouns by Korean learners of English
Exploring the efficacy of ChatGPT in improving L2 writers’ use of English conjunctive adjuncts
Seungjin Hong, Yu Kyoung Shin
Modern English Education vol.25, page: 212-223