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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Analysis of passives in English-to-Korean machine translation systems’ output
A washback effect model for investigating the impact of high-stakes language testing on teaching and learning
Effects of AI PengTalk classes on improvement of English pronunciation abilities and affective factors of elementary students AI펭톡 활용 수업이 초등학생 영어 발음 능력 향상과 정의적 영역에 미치는 효과
A study on interaction patterns in preservice elementary school English teachers’ classroom discourse 초등예비교사의 교실 담화에 나타난 상호작용 유형에 관한 연구
A case study of Korean EFL high school students’ responses to Literature Circles 한국 EFL 고등학생의 문학동아리 역할 수행 연구: 영어 능력과 태도 변화를 중심으로
The long-term effects of L2 pragmatic instruction on writing emails to faculty: Focusing on the forms of address
Validity argument for post-entry oral performance assessment for international students in Korean higher education
Exploring the linguistic and textual factors that affect the quality of L2 writing: The Coh-Metrix study
An analysis of grammar practice activities in elementary ELT textbooks
The use of music in English language learning: A qualitative analysis of learning anxiety and attitudes among university students
Utilizing digital · AI in English education: Research trends through text network analysis and topic modeling 디지털·AI 기반 영어교육 연구 동향: 텍스트 네트워크 분석 및 토픽모델링 중심으로
Effect of a cognitive diagnosis model-based feedback in an English writing class: Focusing on Korean English learners
영어읽기전략 동영상 교재 사용이 중학생들의 영어읽기전략과 독해력에 미치는 영향
Comparing incidental vocabulary learning between read-to-comprehend and read-to-produce groups
Effects of English self-efficacy and self-determination on English achievement in a blended environment using online video lectures 온라인 동영상강의를 활용한 블렌디드 환경에서 영어자기효능감과 자기결정성이 영어 성취도에 미치는 영향
Teacher support and Chinese EFL students’ intention to continue online learning: The mediating role of negative emotions
Pre-service teachers’ cognitions and teaching practices on the communicative approach at the elementary English level 초등영어 수준에서 의사소통중심 접근법에 대한 예비 교사들의 인식과 수업
Improving English pronunciation accuracy among Korean adult learners
Exploration of the act of exemplification in research article introductions
Exploring the English spelling characteristics and error patterns of a Korean middle school student at risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal case study
Analysis of research trends in English learning motivation in Korea using text mining 텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 한국의 영어학습 동기 연구동향 분석
Emoticons and punctuation marks in English communication through a Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) application