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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Definite and indefinite articles with abstract nouns in L2
Explicit versus implicit instruction: A meta-analysis of comparative studies
The eff ect of genre-oriented translation-based instruction on EFL writing
Investigating student satisfaction with distance learning and influencing factors: A case of Korean EFL middle school students
The eff ects of aural and textual input enhancement through movie clips on the Korean EFL students’ learning of parallelism rules
A study about pre-service teachers’ English textbook modification utilizing a critical approach. 중·고등학교 영어 교과서 수정 활동 연구: 예비 영어교사의 비판적 접근법 활용 사례
An analysis of research articles in the journal of Modern English Education over the past 20 years. 현대영어교육 연구 논문 동향 고찰: 창립 20주년을 기념하며
An analysis of research papers on English teacher education published in Modern English Education 현대영어교육에 게재된 영어교사교육 관련 연구 분석
A comprehensive review of reading- and writing-related articles in Modern English Education in its 20 years of history. 현대영어교육 학술지 20년: 읽기 및 쓰기 관련 연구 동향 분석