Impact of mobile interactions with AI on writing performance
Hea-suk Kim, Yoonjung Cha, Na-young Kim
Modern English Education vol.21, page: 1-13
Good text in, good text out: The impact of extensive reading on lexical complexity in second language writing
Pre-service English teachers’ academic achievement and perceptions based on their admission types: A case study of a national university in 2019
Second language acquisition of complex structures: The case of English oblique relative clauses
Perceptions of team-teaching between native and nonnative English teachers in Korean secondary schools
Narrative structure and task type in the acquisition of the English past progressive
Retaliated with tariffs on: A corpus analysis of lexical bundles in TED talks and BBC news on global business issues
Dohwan Shin, Yu Kyoung Shin
Modern English Education vol.21, page: 71-84