Designing and implementing in-class extensive reading: An approach to active learning
Junghee Hwang, Inyoung Shin
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 1-14
The effectiveness of corpus-aided instruction to improve second language college students’ academic writing
Second language (L2) motivational self-system and L2 achievement: A study of Korean high school learners
The discourse marker well in EFL textbooks
Associations between perceived self-efficacy, perceived value, and academic achievement: Exploring a gender difference within English-medium instruction.
Jiyoon Lee, Hye Won Shin
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 46-56
The effect of integrating reading and writing on EFL learners’ writing ability and vocabulary usage
Jae Kyung Kim, Eun Joo Moon
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 57-68
Effects of error correction-prompted revision on learning L2 grammatical structures of different complexities
The effects of deductive and inductive instructions on medical university undergraduates’ improvement of medical research articles writing performance
Needs analysis of ESP courses for pre-service flight attendants
A study of the direction in the methodology of action research through analyzing the action research studies in English education 영어교육 실행연구 논문 분석을 통한 실행연구 방법론 방향성 연구
이우주 Woo Joo Lee, 김경한 Kyong Hahn Kim
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 104-116
Korean learners’ interpretation on English dative alternations: An experimental study focusing on goal-DOC (Double Object Construction) 영어의 여격 교체 현상에 대한 한국인 학습자들의 이해 양상: 대상자 중심 여격 구문 기반 실험연구
김달은 Dal Eun Kim, 김지혜 Ji-Hye Kim
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 117-128
A multi-dimensional factor analysis of pre-university students’ argumentative essays 한국 예비 대학생의 영어 논쟁적 에세이 장르에 대한 다차원 분석
박광현 Kwanghyun Park, 황은경 Eunkyung Hwang
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 129-138
A study on Korean EFL learners’ interpretive preferences regarding focus ambiguity of only 영어 초점사 only의 중의성에 대한 한국인 영어 학습자의 이해 선호도에 관한 연구
곽혜영 Hye-Young Kwak, 김소영 So Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.20, page: 139-152