A look at the English verb “Follow”
Doo Shick Kim
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 3-21
A study on the improvement of oral communication ability
정대성 Dae Sung Chung
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 22-44
Individual differences in second language learning
Jong Bok Lee
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 45-74
Genre analysis of dissertation abstracts: A contrast between a Korean writer and an American writer
Eun Sook Shim
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 75-96
English Education using an English movie and its script 영화와 영화대본을 활용한 영어교육
고영진 Young Jin Ko
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 97-118
A study on teaching and learning English using the Internet 인터넷을 활용한 영어 교수-학습 방법론 연구
김지영 Jie Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 119-134
Second language acquisition research and Its pedagogical implications with a focus on the age factor 언어습득연구와 조기영어교육: 제2언어습득과 연령의 관계를 중심으로
김현진 Hyun Jin Kim
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 135-156
The effects of motivation on language learning 동기가 학습에 미치는 영향
맹은경 Eun Kyung Mang
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 157-170
Comparison of three vocabulary Learning strategies among Korean EFL students 대학생의 어휘학습책략 사용 비교
박경미 Kyong Mi Park
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 171-186
English Education through Storytelling in Elementary School Storytelling을 통한 초등학교 영어교육
양현철 Hyun Chul Yang
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 187-200
A study on efficient English vocabulary acquisition 영어 어휘 습득의 효과적인 방법에 관한 연구
이진숙 Jin Sook Yi
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 201-221
The influence of Korean on English pronunciation 영어 발음에 나타나는 한국어 영향
이해봉 Hae Bong Lee
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 222-238
An analysis of errors on prepositions in English free writing 대학영어작문에서 나타나는 전치사 오류분석
이현구 Hyun Gu Lee
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 239-253
The application of “elementary school English CD-ROM title” in the development of teaching and learning Models 초등영어 CD-ROM 타이틀을 활용한 교수,학습 모형 개발
이현정 Hyun Jung Lee
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 254-277
Comparative evaluation of English curriculum in Korea and Japan 한국과 일본의 영어과 교육과정에 대한 연구(제2권 2호)
장복명 Bok Myung Chang
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 278-300
Modern English Education vol.2, page: 301-307