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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Effective Ways of Implementing Cooperative Learning In EFL Instruction
A study on English Acquisition Methodology Focused on Affective Factors “정의적 요소”를 강조한 영어습득 방안
The Schema theory in the second language reading study 제2언어 독서연구에 있어서 Schema 이론
Personality Trait as a Factor of Learning EFL
Comparative Evaluation of English Curriculum in Korea and Japan 한국과 일본의 영어과 교육과정에 대한 연구
Teaching of English Composition through Paragraph Analysis 단락 분석을 통한 영작지도
The Development of Curriculum in the Korean University Setting
「현대영어교육」 논문 투고 규정