Korean learners’ strategies and decision-making processes in English compliment response behavior
Analysis of the discourse marker well in high school practical English conversation textbooks
Korean EFL learners’ use of complex RCs in a CMC context
Language assessment literacy of Korean EFL teachers: An investigation of their training experiences and needs
Sun Joo Chung, Yunjung Nam
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 38-48
Teacher views on writing feedback: experience, belief and practice
Ju-youn Sim, Jae-yeon Heo
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 49-61
The effects of task complexity on Korean adult EFL learners’ summary writing
Heesoo Park, Haemoon Lee
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 62-75
The repetition effects on learning formulaic language in form-focused instruction
Jungyoon Choi, Hyunsook Yoon
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 76-85
Designing a flipped curriculum for an EFL class
A linguistic analysis of adapted literary texts in Korean high school English textbooks
Bombee Kim, Doseon Eur, Moonbok Lee
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 96-104
An analysis of the textbooks for airline service English within the NCS framework NCS 기반 항공객실서비스영어 교재에 관한 분석
The structural relationship between Korean high school students’ resilience, English learning motivation, English class attitude, and English learning achievement 한국 고등학생들의 회복탄력성, 영어 학습 동기, 영어수업 태도와 영어 성취도의 구조 관련성 연구
김다미 Damee Kim, 김태영 Tae-Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.19, page: 120-136