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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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An investigation of strengths and weaknesses of NESTs and NNESTs: As seen from TESOL students’ perspectives
Implementation of CLT-based curriculum and consideration of negotiated pedagogy in Korea
The effect of self and peer feedback: Learner autonomy in high school writing classes
Lexical profiles of Korean EFL summary writing from online spoken texts
The effects of co-presenting English articles and nouns on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning
Challenges in assessing multimodal composition: Multiple case study in secondary schools of South Korea
Exploring English education in beauty-related programs focusing on its efficacy and potential
The relationship between language learning strategy, L2 proficiency and learning variables of Korean high school students 한국 고등학생들의 영어학습전략, 학업성취도, 학습변인 간의 관계성 연구
An analysis of question types and discourse structure elementary English teachers use on the TEE-A Teaching Practice Test 초등 영어 교사의 발문 및 담화 구조 유형 분석 : TEE-A 수업실연을 바탕으로
Analysis of student responses to constructed response items in English of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement 국가수준 학업성취도 평가 영어 서답형 문항에 대한 학생 반응 분석
An analysis study of English writing of elementary school 6th grade English language learners using Coh-Metrix Coh-Metrix를 활용한 초등학교 6학년 영어학습자의 영작문 분석 연구