A sequential analysis of Korean elementary school English teachers’ interactional practices
A comparative analysis of inter-rater reliability in English essay and Korean-English translation tests
Lili Park, Inn-chull Choi
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 27-48
Changes in EFL students’ perceptions and approaches to writing in a process-oriented writing class
Teacher and student perceptions of extensive reading activities
A study on military cadets’ curricular satisfaction, their needs for ESP, and the future use of English
Ki-wan Sung, Sung-woo Yang, Hanki Jung
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 89-115
Examining the effects of gender in an oral interview
Mi-jin Joo, Min-hee Bang
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 117-133
Analysis of grammatical errors in English writing of elementary students 초등 학습자의 영어 쓰기에 나타난 문법 오류 분석
송다진 Dajin Song, 김태은 Tae-Eun Kim
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 135-157
Analysis of visual materials in Korean high school English textbooks and learners’ responses 고등학교 영어 교과서 시각 자료와 학습자 반응 분석
강주란 Joo-Ran Kang, 김해동 Hae-Dong Kim
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 159-181
Using graphic organizers as prereading activities: Its effects on Korean middle school students’ reading skills, strategies, and attitudes 그래픽 조직자를 활용한 영어 읽기 수업이 중학생들의 읽기 능력 및 정의적 태도에 미치는 효과
김나연 Kim Na Yeun, 김성연 Kim Sung-yeon
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 183-203
Current practices and challenges of English teacher education: An analysis of curriculums of the graduate school of education in Korea 영어 교사교육 프로그램의 현황과 과제: 교육대학원 교육과정 비교분석을 중심으로
The effects of proficiency-levelled elementary English classes using a creative digital story writing method 초등학생 수준별 디지털 영어이야기 창작 학습의 효과
박부남 Punahm Park, 정혜옥 Haeok Chung
Modern English Education vol.17, page: 227-250