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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Discourse markers in task interaction: A comparison between Korean EFL learners and native speakers
Enhancing English reading and writing proficiency of Korean university students through copying activity training
Effects of combined use of questioning and indirect feedback on L2 writing
National discourse of EGL and English teaching in Korea: Focusing on education policies and teacher perspectives
The effects of different tasks on English language learners’ speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency
The effect of explicit versus implicit instruction: Focusing on PAICWP
The use of motivational strategy of Korean primary English teachers 초등영어 교사의 동기유발 전략활용에 관한 연구
Analyses of the explicitness of activities in high school English textbooks 고등학교 영어 교과서에 제시된 활동의 명시성 분석
A case study on English reading e-learning course development to introduce ‘extensive reading’ through reflective instructional consulting in a cyber university 사이버대학에서 성찰적 교수컨설팅을 통한 다독 중심의 영어읽기 수업 개발 사례연구
Improving a general English program through the students’ perceptions at a university 효율적인 대학 교양영어교육의 방향 및 제언
Developing a task-based English lesson plan to enhance creativity 창의성 향상을 위한 과제중심 영어 수업 자료 개발