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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Activity theory-based narrative inquiry of study-abroad program experiences: A case study of two college students
Supporting details in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese L2 learners’ argumentative writing
Gender effect on the use of communication strategies in case of Korean college students
Korean-speaking L2 learners’ comprehension of sentences containing numerically quantified NPs and negation in English
Pragmatic listening comprehension of English intonation: Variation across item type and L2 proficiency
Cross-cultural differences in using English requests during synchronous computer communication
The frequency effect on L2 English learners’ sentence comprehension: The case of object relative clauses
The use of metadiscourse in Korean university students’ persuasive essays
A comparison of the effectiveness of completing reading and learning journals 독해일지와 학습성찰일지 작성에 대한 효과 비교연구
Developing cultural dialogues based on the script theory for elementary English education 스크립트 이론 기반 초등영어 문화 대화문 개발
A study on the perceptions and attitudes about the EBSe After-school Program for elementary and middle school students EBSe 방과후 영어 프로그램의 현황, 태도 및 인식 연구: 초·중등학생들을 중심으로
University students’ reflective perception on their experience of private English education during high school years 고등학교 영어 사교육 경험에 대한 대학생들의 인식
A study of the effects of tracking on the fluency in English conversation Tracking(트랙킹)을 통한 영어 대화 유창성 향상 연구
A study of the restructuring of the national English curriculum for integrating the liberal arts and the sciences 문·이과 통합 영어과 교육과정 개발을 위한 방향 탐색