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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Interlanguage politeness in contexts
The effects on English listening abilities via dictogloss
Rethinking high-stakes testing and language education policy: From a language planning perspective
The use of L1 by native-English instructors in the EFL classroom: Student perceptions and oral proficiency
Imagining Extensive Speaking for Korean EFL
A cross-cultural study of the metacognitive online reading strategies among EFL university students
A Development of an ESAP Reading Course in Linguistics for Undergraduate English Majors 영어영문학 전공생을 위한 학문목적영어 독해강좌의 개발: 어학영역을 중심으로
Development and application of an instructional model for elementary English writing lessons using video media: The effects on learners’ writing abilities and attitudes toward writing 영상 매체 활용 초등영어 쓰기 수업 모형 개발 및 적용: 학습자의 쓰기 능력 및 태도에의 효과
Needs analyses for designing ESP curricula at a provincial university: Focus on engineering major 지방 대학 ESP 교과목 편성을 위한 요구 분석:공과계열을 중심으로
English lesson models for the development of creativity and character through cooperative learning 창의ㆍ인성 함양을 위한 영어수업 모형: 협동학습을 중심으로
A comparison of the in-house English placement test and TOEIC for placement purposes for a College English Program 대학영어 프로그램을 위한 자체 제작 영어 배치고사와 토익의 배치 기능 비교
A comparative analysis of the reading materials in the middle school English Textbooks for the 3rd year students 중학교 3학년 영어 교과서 읽기 자료 비교 분석
Pre-service English teachers’ perception on classroom observation and observation training using classroom observation schemes 수업관찰틀을 사용한 수업관찰과 수업관찰지도에 대한 예비영어교사들의 인식