Corpus-based vocabulary analysis of Friends: Implications for incidental vocabulary learning
Shinwoong Lee
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 1-21
EFL secondary teachers’ perceptions toward blended inservice teacher training
Youngjoo Bang
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 23-49
Creating student profiles based on the distractor analysis of a vocabulary test
Sookyung Cho, Chanho Park
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 51-65
Code-switching behavior of bilingual teenagers
Jeongsook Lee, Unkyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 67-95
A genre-based investigation of research article abstracts
Eunsook Shim
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 97-115
An empirical study on the strategies adopted by EFL learners to learn grammar through concordances
Cai Jinbao, Xiao Jing, Lin Ying
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 117-134
A comparative study of three ways of learning structures in English reading and writing courses
Kyunghee Choi
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 135-158
Effects of teacher-presented and student-generated authentic materials on student motivation in an EFL classroom
Bokyung Murray
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 159-181
The pedagogical effects of using Korean pop songs with modified lyrics on elementary school English education 가요를 개사한 노래 활동이 초등영어교육에 미치는 효과
김현실 Hyunsil Kim, 이길영 Kilryoung Lee
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 183-207
Engineering majors' perception of EMI courses 영어전용강의에 대한 공과대학 학습자의 인식
황선유 Seon-yoo Hwang
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 209-235
The effects of utilizing an outside-class study group on TOEIC reading comprehension, vocabulary learning, and college learners’ perceptions 교실 외 스터디그룹 활동이 토익 독해와 어휘학습 및 학습자 인식에 미치는 영향
김혜경 Hye-kyung Kim
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 237-257
A study of perceptions on university major subjects in English-mediated instruction 영어매개 대학전공수업에 대한 인식 연구
김현주 Hyun-ju Kim, 장샛별 Saebyeol Chang
Modern English Education vol.14, page: 259-282