An analysis of interlocutors’ role relationships in textbook dialogs
Woo-hyun Jung
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 1-24
Comparisons of L2 learners’ written performance by two types of error analysis
Eunkyung Hwang
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 25-46
Compliment strategies for college learners of English: Situations, preferences, and structures
Jaehwang Shim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 47-66
Effective Concordance Workshop for Corpus Learners
Sooin Chun
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 67-88
Analysis of the vocabulary activities used in English textbooks
Jin-kyong Lee
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 89-107
Language teaching and researching: Principled practice or webs of beliefs?
Andrew Finch
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 109-133
A Korean ESL child’s bilingual writing development using genre-based instruction
Bo-ai Ko
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 135-165
Collaborative to individual writing: An investigation of student performance and perceptions.
Sookyung Cho
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 167-184
Graduate students’ perspectives on real-time videoconference classes at a cyber university
Eunkyung Sung
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 185-207
Exploratory study on the reflective teacher education through the pre-service EFL teachers’ case writing 예비영어교사의 사례보고서 작성을 통한 반성적 교사교육 탐색
김영숙 Youngsook Kim, 이지연 Jyi-yeon Yi
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 209-238
The external analysis of the validation on item-types of foreign language (English) domain of CSAT 수준별 영어 시험 검사지 구성을 위한 외국어 영역 문항 유형의 외적 타당성 분석
김용명 Yong-myeong Kim, 강문구 Mun-koo Kang
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 239-270
Effects of the LCI culture program on middle school students’ English academic achievement tests and Intercultural Sensitivity LCI 문화프로그램이 중학생의 영어 학업성취도와 문화간 감수성에 미치는 효과
배철웅 Chulwoong Bae, 강용구 Yong-koo Kahng, 송해성 Hae Sung Sohng
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 271-292
Correlation among L1 reading and L2 reading strategy use, and the levels of L2 reading proficiency of Korean middle school students 중학교 학습자들의 모국어 읽기전략, 영어 읽기전략, 영어 읽기능력 사이의 관계 분석
배은실 Eunsil Bae, 맹은경 Unkyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 293-313
A study on Korean university students’ recognition regarding creative English learning activities through comparing Taiwanese and Japanese university students 대만과 일본과의 비교를 통한 한국 대학생들의 창의적 영어 학습활동에 관한 인식 연구
노승빈 Seungbin Roh
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 315-343
A study based on students’ awareness of effective speaking class 학생들의 효과적인 말하기 수업에 대한 인식도 연구
노석희 Sukhee Noh, 김형엽 Hyoungyoub Kim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 345-365