An analysis of the readability of English translation on major city governments' websites in Korea
Myongsu Park
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 1-16
English language learner’s literacy and identity work in online spaces
Eunim Bok
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 17-35
A Corpus-based approach to citation use in English for academic purposes
Myung-jeong Ha
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 37-55
The interactive effects of instructions and learning styles on the inference skills on college low achieving readers
Bokyung Kim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 57-79
Towards intercultural English learning/teaching (IELT): An intercultural approach to world Englishes
Kang-young Lee
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 81-100
Effects of level-based English instructions in middle school on students’ academic achievements 중학교 영어과 수준별 수업이 학업 성취도에 미치는 영향
강보람 Bo-ram Kang, 조윤경 Yunkyoung Cho
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 101-120
A report on the teaching and learning of speaking and writing in high school English classrooms: Transiting to NEAT NEAT 말하기·쓰기 평가 도입에 대비한 고등학교 영어 말하기·쓰기 교수·학습 현황 분석
박지선 Ji-seon Park, 이문복 Moon-bok Lee
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 121-149
The effects of reading strategy instruction on the performance of integrated reading-to-write tasks, strategy use, and the attitude of Korean college EFL learners 영어 읽기 전략 지도가 대학생의 읽기·쓰기 통합 과제 수행, 전략 사용 및 태도에 미치는 영향
양문정 Mun-jung Yang, 이은주 Eun-joo Lee
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 151-178
SBI model development based upon the analysis of self-directed learning components: Focused on motivational and cognitive factors 자기주도학습 요인분석을 통한 SBI 모형 개발: 동기요인과 인지요인 분석을 기반으로
김인영 Inyoung Kym
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 179-205
The construct validity of models of L2 listening ability 영어 듣기 평가 모형의 구인 타당도 연구
장재학 Jaehak Chang
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 207-229