Effects of blended design on students' revision and writing development
Chongwon Park
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 1-17
The effectiveness of instructing L1 and L2 rhetorical difference in the NEAT Writing Section
Sung Hui Cheong
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 19-41
Genre-based instruction and Korean college students’ development of expository writing in English
Hyesook Park
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 43-67
Application of dynamic assessment in a college writing class
Kyong-hyon Pyo
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 69-91
Cooperative Learning: An effective way to enhance Korean EFL learners' English proficiency and self-efficacy
Jeehwan Yun, Yong-hyo Park
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 93-111
What do primary teachers think about English vocabulary taught in primary schools?
Unkyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 113-132
Interactional details in group peer feedback in an L2 writing class
Hohsung Choe, Ho-jung Yu
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 133-147
The effect of English-medium instruction on university students’ listening ability 영어매개강의가 대학생 영어듣기능력에 미치는 영향
심영숙 Young-sook Shim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 149-166
A study on self-access learning activities for English listening and speaking skills development 영어 듣기ㆍ 말하기 능력 향상을 위한 자기주도적 학습 활동 연구
차경환 Kyung-whan Cha, 김혜영 Heyoung Kim, 김금선 Keum Sun Kim, 김태은 Tae-eun Kim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 167-188
College students’ changes in perception to English listening obstacles and strategies after a course 과목 이수 후 영어 듣기 장애 요소와 전략에 관한 학습자의 인식 변화
신희재 Hee-jae Shin
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 189-209
English teachers’ views on and use of tasks 영어교사의 과업중심 수업에 대한 인식과 활용
신성은 Sungeun Shin, 김해동 Haedong Kim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 211-233
The effects of different types of error feedback on writing revision of Korean middle school students 오류수정 피드백 유형이 한국 중학교 학습자들의 개작 활동에 미치는 영향
황정화 Jung-hwa Hwang, 이희경 Hee-kyung Lee
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 235-262
University students’ satisfaction and expectations about native English instructors 원어민 영어강사에 대한 대학생의 만족도 연구
임정완 Jeongwan Lim
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 263-280
A study of an effective English reading class at university through analysis of students’ reading motivation and perceptions in reading activities 읽기 활동과 동기 분석을 통해 본 효과적인 대학 교양영어 읽기 수업
남은희 Eun-hee Nam
Modern English Education vol.13, page: 281-301