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Print ISSN 1598-0782|Online ISSN 2586-6141


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Korean college students’ use of communication strategies in two different sets of interactions
L2 proficiency similarities versus differences in pair work and their effects on peer interaction
Can a summary task be valid writing assessment for lessproficient EFL Students?
Eliminating outdated grammar myths for ESL and EFL instructors and students
Listening and grammar: Towards a reciprocally beneficial teaching model
L2 learners’ speech act behavior of response to gratitude
ESL adult learners’ legitimate peripheral participation in whole class discussions
An examination of reading-writing integration: Perspectives, practices, and literacy development
A comparative analysis of ESL learners’ discourses in synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication and face-to-face communication ‘동시적 CMC’와 ‘면대면’에서의 제 2 외국어 학습자들의 담화 구조 비교
A study on the types and effects of the teachers' corrective feedback on elementary school students' speech errors 초등학생의 발화 오류에 대한 원어민 교사와 한국인 교사의 오류수정 피드백 유형 및 반응
Relationships between university students’ vocabulary competences and their vocabulary learning strategies 대학생의 어휘력과 어휘학습책략과의 관계
Historical review of English language education in Korea: Using both newspaper articles and academic works 한국 영어교육의 역사적 고찰: 신문기사와 학술자료를 기반으로
The effects of listening strategies instruction 영어 듣기 전략 지도의 효과
A study of the evaluation system for level-differentiated English classes 수준별 영어수업에 대한 평가방안 연구
A study on English teachers' perceptions of Teaching English in English (TEE) practices 영어로 진행하는 영어수업(TEE)에 대한 중·고등학교 영어교사들의 인식조사
The effects of using Smartphones to assist lexical inferencing strategies in vocabulary learning 스마트폰을 활용한 어휘추론전략 학습의 효과
Investigations of the placement test for a college English program: With a comparison of CSAT and TOEIC 대학영어 프로그램을 위한 배치고사 연구: 수능과 TOEIC의 비교를 중심으로
Effects of digital English textbook-based blended learning on reading achievement and self-directed learning ability 디지털 영어교재 기반의 블렌디드 러닝이 초등학생의 읽기 성취도와 자기주도적 학습능력에 미치는 영향
Studying the effect of syntactic diversity on rating of an L2 argumentative essay test 문장의 다양성이 영어논술시험 평가에 미치는 영향 연구