Correlation between comprehension and production in learning epistemic modals by Korean EFL students
Hera Chu
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 1-17
Effects of teaching and learning using edutainment on children’s learning English
Jie Young Kim, Si Yeon Gu, Ji Hae Jeon
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 18-35
Research trends in writing teacher education
Eun Sook Shim
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 36-50
Students' Perceptions of Team Teaching and Participating Teachers' Role Recognition
Jae Woo Shim, Yearn Im Kim
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 51-67
A strategy of alphabet code comprehension: Focused on rhyme and rime connection and letter recording 알파벳 코드이해를 위한 전략: 운율과 각운의 상관관계를 기반으로 한 유추와 문자기억전략중심으로
금소영 So Young Keum, 정동빈 Dong Bin Jeong
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 68-95
The effect of a literacy-friendly English classroom environment on L2 literacy skills and the attitude of Korean primary school students 문자언어 중심의 교실 영어환경이 초등학교 학생들의 문해 능력 및 학습태도에 미치는 영향
김수미 Sue Mi Kim, 맹은경 Un Kyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 96-117
A study of discourse types and students' errors in English Immersion classrooms: An application of counterbalanced teaching/learning activities 영어 몰입수업의 담화유형과 학생 오류 연구: 대립균형 교수학습활동의 적용
김지숙 Jee Sook Ghymn
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 118-142
Correlation between learners' multiple intelligences and academic accomplishment of university students as English language learners 다중지능과 학업성취도의 상관관계 연구: 대학생 영어학습자를 중심으로
배대권 Dae Kweon Bae
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 143-166
The effect of self-regulated learning ability on EFL college students' achievement 자기조절학습 능력이 EFL 대학생의 영어 성취도에 미치는 영향
석진이 Jin Yee Seok
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 167-190
Characteristics of effective English medium instruction and support measures 효과적인 영어강의의 특성과 지원 방안 탐색
오희정 Hee Jeong Oh, 이희원 Hee Won Lee
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 191-212
A study of elementary school students' Learning strategies during digital English materials-based activities 디지털 영어 교재 학습활동에서의 초등학생의 학습전략 연구
임희정 Hee Jeong Ihm, 김정은 Jung Eun Kim
Modern English Education vol.11, page: 213-235