Patterns of sentence connectors and the effect of instruction on ESL learners' writing
Sook Yung Cho
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 1-22
Does test taking experience make a difference?: In strategy use and test scores
Seon Yoo Hwang, Myong Kwan Lee
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 23-43
An antecedent study of the state-wide English Language ability test 국가영어능력 인증시험에 대한 선행조사연구
김현주 Hyun Ju Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 44-59
Comparing the effectiveness of copying and summarizing practice in English education: Based on the case study 영어교육에서 베껴 쓰기와 요약하여 쓰기의 효과 비교: 사례연구를 중심으로
박상옥 Sang Ok Park, 이유진 Yoo Jean Lee
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 60-86
corpus-based analysis of vocabulary in the revised Middle School English 1 textbooks 개정 교육과정 중학교 1학년 영어교과서에 나타난 어휘의 코퍼스 기반 분석
윤현숙 Hyun Sook Yoon
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 87-107
A comparative study of the achievement standards between the Revised Korean National Curriculum of English and Common European Framework of References (CEFR) 영어과 개정 교육과정의 성취기준과 CEFR과의 비교 연구
이영식 Young Shik Lee, 김혜영 Hye Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 108-132
A layout to improve the construction and management of classrooms especially designed to teach English 영어전용교실의 구축 및 운영에 관한 개선 방안
전영주 Young Joo Jeon
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 133-154