Interlanguage development of English articles through textual enhancement
Jong Bum Ha
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 1-19
Non-native English speaking teachers' identity: Review of relevant studies and critical issues for future studies
Ji Hyun Jeon
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 20-45
The role of grammar in speaking proficiency: Exploring the need for spoken grammar
Hae Young Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 46-65
Corpus evidence of the features of children's English literature in an EFL context
Kyu Hwa Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 66-92
Effective teaching techniques in teaching English through English
Myeong Hee Seong, Hyung Ji Chang
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 93-113
An investigation of secondary English teachers' perceptions of writing instruction
Eun Sook Shim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 114-130
A study on the effectiveness of a domestic TESOL training program for secondary English teachers 중등 영어교사 국내 TESOL 연수 효과에 관한 연구
김우형 Woo Hyung Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 131-153
An analysis study on the examination for employing secondary school English teachers 중등 영어 교원 임용시험 문항 분석 연구: 2006~2009학년도 문항을 중심으로
김정렬 Jeong Ryeol Kim, 김영미 Young Mi Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 154-176
Perception of primary teachers and students on an English education policy in Korea, TEE 영어로 진행하는 영어수업에 대한 초등교사 및 학생들의 인식 조사
맹은경 Un Kyoung Maeng
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 177-206
Syntactic persistence of transitive structure in English utterance 영어발화에 나타난 타동사 통사구조 유지성
박분주 Boon Joo Park
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 207-223
The effect of CALL on vocational high school students' learning motivation and English proficiency CALL 기반 영어수업이 전문계 고등학생의 영어학습 동기 및 학업성취도에 미치는 효과
임병빈 Byung Bin Im, 박지민 Ji Min Park, 강문구 Mun Koo Kang
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 224-250
The effects of CMC discussions on reading comprehension: Oral discussions vs. CMC discussions 컴퓨터 매개 의사소통 도구를 활용한 읽기 전,후 토론활동이 대학생의 독해학습에 미치는 영향
정동빈 Dong Bin Jeong, 김혜경 Hye Kyung Kim
Modern English Education vol.10, page: 251-283