Non-Native speakers’ verbosity in speech act performance
Jae-suk Suh
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 1-22
A study on formulaic expressions in L2 development
Si-ho Yang
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 23-42
Minimal pair drills: Are they always an effective way to practice English vowel discrimination?
Changwon Shin
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 43-64
Effective ways of teaching American refusal to Korean students: Textbook review and a suggested lesson plan
Yoo-jean Lee
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 65-89
Korean high school students’ vocabulary knowledge, inferencing abilities, and reading comprehension abilities
Hye Eun Cho
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 90-106
A study of students' reactions to writing activities in English composition classes
Yanghee Kim, Seo Jung Park
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 107-128
The use of Korean in an after-school English kindergarten club in America
Seongwon Yun
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 129-148
Looking at read out loud rate as an indicator of speaking English proficiency for EFL Students
Youngsoo Song
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 149-170
The sociocultural life of Korean adolescents in the UK secondary classroom
Inyoung Shin, Miyang Cha
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 171-191
Effective free-talking methods in a Korean university setting
Nahk-bohk Kim, Brent Dirks
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 192-214
A comparison of the texts used in the secondary school English tests
Sung Ae Kim
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 215-236
The effects of dictogloss using cooperative learning on the improvement of English writing abilities 협동학습을 통한 Dictogloss 기법의 영어 쓰기학습 효과
오영호 Yeong-ho Oh, 민찬규 Chan Kyoo Min
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 237-257
The effects of different presentation methods of English storybooks on young learners’ vocabulary, comprehension, and recall performance 영어 동화 제시 방법에 따른 유아 영어 학습자의 어휘·이해·회상 능력의 차이
김수연 Soo-yoon Kim, 이경랑 Kyoung Rang Lee
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 258-281
Graduation qualification for English proficiency in universities 영어졸업인증제의 현황 및 방향모색
방영주 Youngjoo Bang, 양미란 Miran Yang
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 282-302
English-Korean telecollaborative videoconferencing for the development of linguistic and intercultural communicative competence 비디오컨퍼런싱을 통한 영어-한국어 원격협동 (Telecollaboration) 학습의 언어 및 상호문화 능력 개발
이현주 Hyun-joo Lee
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 303-332
The effects of content word-centered listening classes utilizing English movies on the learners’ listening comprehension ability and affective aspect of students who are underachieving in their English classes 영화를 활용한 내용어중심 듣기지도가 영어 학습부진 학생들의 듣기능력 및 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향
김혜주 Hye-ju Kim, 임병빈 Byung-bin Im, 윤상돈 Sang-don Yoon
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 333-357
Need for the standard of achievement for vocabulary learning in the primary English national curriculum 초등 영어 어휘 학습 성취기준의 필요성에 대한 연구 : 초등학교 4학년 영어 검정교과서 분석을 중심으로
김은주 Eunju Kim, 이재근 Jaekeun Lee
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 358-376
The Effects of shadow reading on EFL learners' English listening comprehension 그림자처럼 따라 읽기 지도가 EFL 학습자들의 영어 듣기에 미치는 영향
전은경 Eunkyoung Jeon
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 377-396
Discourse structure awareness in L2 reading instruction 담화 구조 인지 중심 영어 읽기 수업
이종화 Jonghwa Lee
Modern English Education vol.12, page: 397-412